For the invisible priest converts visible creatures into the substance of his body and blood by the secret power of his word. He says, “Take and eat; this is my body.” After the sanctification is repeated, “Take and drink; this is my blood.” So, the heights of heaven, the depths of the seas, the vast lands subsist from nothing at the prompting of God who gave the command. By equal power, in the spiritual sacraments, the power of the word commands and the effect of the reality complies. Whatever great things are accomplished when the benefits of the divine blessing is celebrated, you, who are already regenerated in Christ, should inquire how new and impossible it ought to [seem] to you that the substance of Christ is changed into earthly and mortal things.

 In the past, you were exiled as foreign to life, a stranger to mercy, a possessor from the way of salvation, Suddenly, initiated into Christ, reborn by the laws and saving mysteries, not by living in the body of the church, but by faith you crossed over and merited to become an adopted child of God from a son of perdition by a hidden purity. While remaining in a visible measure, you became invisibly greater without any increase of quantity. Since you yourself were the same, you existed much differently than the processes of faith; nothing was added on the outside but the inside was totally changed. And so a man, having become a son of Christ, Christ is formed in the mind of a man.

Nam invisibilis sacerdos visibiles creaturas in substantiam corporis et sanguinis sui, verbi sui secreta potestate convertit, ita dicens: Accipite et edite, hoc est corpus meum. Et sanctificatione repetita: Accipite et bibite, hic est sanguis meus. Ergo et nutum praecipientis Domini, repente ex nihilo substiterunt excelsa coelorum, profunda fluctuum, vasta terrarum. Pari potentia in spiritualibus sacramentis verbi praecipit virtus, et rei servit effectus. Quanta itaque celebranda beneficia vis divinae benedictionis operetur, quomodo tibi novum et impossibile esse non debeat, quod in Christi substantiam terrena et mortalia commutantur, teipsum qui jam in Christo es regeneratus, interroga.


Dudum alienus a vita, peregrinus a misericordia, a salutis vita intrinsecus exsulabas. Subito initiatus Christi legibus et salutaribus mysteriis innovatus, in corpus Ecclesiae non videndo, sed credendo transisti, et de filio perditionis adoptivus Dei fieri occulta puritate meruisti. In mensura visibili permanens, major factus es teipso invisibiliter sine quantitatis augmento. Cum ipse atque idem esses, multo aliter fidei processibus exstitisti, in exteriore nihil additum est, et totum in interiore mutatum est. Ac sic homo Christi filius effectus, et Christus in hominis mente formatus est.