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It is important to remember that no church father ever wrote a treatise specifically on the Eucharist in the centuries covered by this site (1-8). The first such treatise was written in the ninth century. The texts in centuries 1-8 are all the more important because they were embedded in other themes and texts. Taken together, they demonstrate the profound faith of the church in the Eucharist during these first eight centuries.

The texts can be accessed by author, text name, or date range. For example, if you wish to have all of Augustine’s eucharistic texts, you simply type his name in the search box (or click on his name in the list of Latin fathers). If you know the name of a specific texts like The Confessions or Commentary on John, you may type it into the search box. If more than one author wrote a work by that title, all of them will appear. If you wish to have all the works in a specific time frame, say 300-450, type in the dates and all the fathers in both languages (Greek and Latin) will appear.

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Sermon 5, On the Pascha

For the invisible priest converts visible creatures into the substance of his body and blood by the secret power of his word. He says, “Take and eat; this is my body.” After the sanctification is repeated, “Take and drink; this is my blood.” So, the heights of heaven,...

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On the Priesthood, 3:5-6

Away with madness! For madness clearly overlooks such a great foundation (ἀρχή) without which we have neither salvation or obtain the good things proclaimed to us. For if no one can enter the kingdom of heaven except he is born again through water and the Spirit, and...

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Apotheosis: lines 355-359

Are you so foolish so as not to realize that you are representing our Paschal mysteries and that, when you smear doorposts with lines of the old law, you are in every way portraying the sacrament that is safeguarded by the true victim’s death, the sacrifice that...

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